
About Us
At Steele Creek Presbyterian at Pleasant Hill we have a simple hope:
to see people come to know Jesus the Christ and grow in their Christian faith.

Prayer Requests
Ask for prayers or take a few minutes to pray for others in need.

We launched a new Mission in 2024 called Stepping Stones to support foster families in our local community within and outside of the church. The church has many missions and a large ministry team that helps oversee the missions, organize service opportunities and fundraise for them, while continuing to create new missions to serve humanity.
Join our Missions Ministry Team to be a part of a community that serves a local and global community.
Belief in God the Father, Jesus Christ as the Son of God and the Holy Spirit. The death, descent into hell, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.
Christ's second coming, the Day of Judgement and salvation of the faithful.
Join us Sundays at 10:30 am as we share God's story of love and mercy with you.
Here at Steele Creek Presbyterian Church at Pleasant Hill our mission is to work together to follow Christ in joyfully serving our neighbors as compassionate, connected, contributing, everyday disciples.
To lead you to becoming an everyday disciple through a daily time with God, a weekly fellowship to build a community of people around you, and a monthly service to your community at large. For more on our Missions Ministry Team click here.
We offer multiple opportunities to study the Book. On the back of this flip card is information about our ladies Bible study group. Join us each Thursday at 10 a.m. to learn the Book as a new Christian, or as someone not yet a Christian or as a seasoned pro that loves to have open discussions and see other points of view.
Beyond the Word Ladies Bible Study
will resume on Thursday, Feb. 6, 2025
at 10:00am in the Conference Room. Our study will be The
Twelve Disciples. Books are $8. We are VERY eager to get
back together. Missing y’all and our great discussions.